Blinding Beauty
Blinding Beauty handelt von einem aufstrebenden Künstler, der droht zu erblinden, aber vorher
unbedingt noch ein letztes Kunstwerk von seinem neuen Motiv, einem talentierten Nachwuchs-
Model schaffen will.
Blinding Beauty is about an up-coming artist who is in danger of going blind, but who wants to
create one last piece of art from his new motif, a talented young model.
Published: 2022
Length: 14.46
Cast Alexandra Suhr, Robin Schick
Director/Writer Louis Kaiser
DoP Paul Weiß
Edit Julia Hänel
Trailer (2022)
Behind the Scenes
all photos taken by Maike Pöschel
Cast Robin Schick, Alexandra Suhr
Director/Writer Louis Kaiser
AD Stefan Dietrich
Production Assistant Laurin Giogoli
Director of Photography Paul Weiß
AC Hendrik Wiesner
Sound Jan B. Meister
Lighting Maike Pöschel, Richard Weller
Production Design Johannes Bauer
Make Up Artist Olena Adreitseva
Costume Design Michael Wolf
1. Costume Assistent Dennis Schmidt
2. Costume Assistent Sybille Rauchfuss
Setrunner Lena Franik
Edit Julia Hänel
Sound Design Adel Hafsi
Color Grading Richard Weller
DCP-Creator Melvin Jaepel
Catering Matthias Brück
Music „6 Gnossiennes: No. 4, Lent“ of Erik Satie
recorded by Max Junghanß
„Wave“ of Eleven Tales
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